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150+ Self-Reflection Questions to Ask Your Team (2024)

Updated January 3, 2024

Are you looking for self-reflection questions to help connect, empower, and enlighten yourself or others? Well, we’ve got the ultimate list of questions that will do just the trick.


  • Teaching your teams to self-reflect can provide all kinds of benefits, including improving their self-awareness and encouraging them to reflect on areas they can improve on.
  • Self-reflection questions aren’t rocket science. You just need to ask the right questions. We’ve compiled over 150+ of our favorite ones.
  • We also share some tips to implement times of self-reflection at work despite the busy schedules.

It’s not always easy to find the time and headspace to pause and reflect. The fast pace and abundance of distractions can pull us away from these small but important moments.

Self-reflection is a powerful tool that can unlock immense personal and professional growth, which could benefit individuals and the organizations they’re part of. That’s why we’ve put together self-reflection questions and some tips on how you can create a consistent habit of asking these questions at work or in your own spare time.

In this blog, we will also explore the transformative effects of self-reflection and how it can positively impact various aspects of our work, operations, and lives as a whole. Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and meaningful growth.

What are Self Reflection Questions?


So what are self reflection questions and what do we do with them? They’re introspective questions that prompt individuals to introspect and examine their thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and experiences. Asking great reflection questions can help build self-awareness, deeper understanding, and personal growth.

People, groups, and organizations often use these questions to gain insights, challenge assumptions, and make positive changes in various aspects of life, such as work, personal relationships, growth and development, and well-being.

At work, you can turn these reflective questions into pulse survey checks to evaluate how your team is doing. You can also use these questions at home or with your partner to help you understand each other better while also helping one another self-evaluate and reflect.

Self-reflection questions can cover a wide range of topics, allowing individuals to explore their values, goals, beliefs, strengths, weaknesses, and aspirations. It allows individuals to gain clarity, set meaningful goals, and align their actions with their values and aspirations.

Later on, we’ll share our exhaustive collection of self reflection questions to help your employees or teams tap into these amazing experiences. But first, we want to talk about our tool, QuizBreaker, and how you can use this to help your teams self-reflect.

quizbreaker gameplay

Sharing and discovering self-reflection answers can be a powerful way for teams to connect. With QuizBreaker, you can do that. This tool will ask your teams important self-reflection questions and turn it into an asynchronous team icebreaker game that will help them discover more about one another.

QuizBreaker provides also provides many other features that help teams connect and stay engaged. Some of those features include:

  • Workstyle profiles to help you understand your team members' preferences and work styles more;

  • A multiplayer trivia game player to have fun at work;

  • A team pulse survey to help gauge your team's engagement levels;

  • A personality test aggregator that shows you your employees' results on personality tests like DISC, Jungian, and Big5; and

  • Online escape games that you can play together to improve strategy and collaboration;

To try out QuizBreaker, go ahead and try it out for free for 21 days and process self-reflection questions with your team using the tool.

Positive Effects of Self Reflection


So why go through the trouble of self reflecting? These are some of the positive effect self-reflection can have on a person and, consequently, the companies and people their serve and serve with.

1) Increased self-awareness

Roughly 50-70% of people have a significant blind spot that inhibits their growth. Creating avenues to reflect can help build that awareness. Self-reflection is our favorite way to build self awareness, because it helps one understand his or her greatest strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. This awareness can lead to employees taking ownership of their actions and behaviors, resulting in increased accountability and responsibility.

2) Improved problem-solving and decision-making

Self-reflection prompts employees to think critically and examine different perspectives. This way, employees can enhance their problem-solving and decision-making skills. Investing time and effort in creating problem solvers and proactive decision makers can help lead to more effective and informed choices in the workplace. All this will have a profound impact on the company’s growth as well.

3) Enhanced personal and professional growth

If you want to encourage employees to identify areas for growth and development, self-reflection is one of the most effective ways to do so. You can provide constructive feedback and evaluation, but there’s a profound work that happens when employees self-discover areas of improvement.

Self reflection can make this happen. Reflecting on their performance, skills, and goals, employees can set targets for improvement and actively pursue opportunities for learning and advancement.

4) Strengthened teamwork and collaboration

When you help your team self-reflect, it prompts employees to consider their interactions, unique personality traits, and communication styles with colleagues. This can lead to a greater understanding of team dynamics and the ability to collaborate more effectively. Employees who engage in self-reflection are more likely to value diverse perspectives, listen actively, and improve teamwork.

5) Improved employee satisfaction and engagement

A Gallup study shows that 85% of workers feel unengaged or actively disengaged at work. This lowers work happiness and engagement in many ways. Self-reflection will also allow your employees to align their work with their values, interests, and goals.

When employees feel a sense of purpose and fulfillment, it can increase work satisfaction and boost employee morale. This, in turn, can lead to higher levels of motivation, commitment, and productivity.

6) Cultivation of a learning culture

By promoting self-reflection, companies promote continuous learning and improvement. When employees are encouraged to reflect on their experiences, share insights, and seek feedback, it creates an environment that values personal growth, innovation, and development.

Self Reflection Questions to Ask Your Team

So let’s dive in and look at 150+ reflection questions for teams or even for personal use. We’ve broken them down into ten different categories to make it easier for you to check them out.

Self Reflection Questions on Work Engagement


Workplace engagement matters a whole lot. So finding out whether individual members feel engaged or not is a big success factor. Here are some self-reflection questions you can ask about this topic.

  1. What aspects of my work bring me the greatest sense of fulfillment and purpose?

  2. Who's a good friend at work who I can share anything with?

  3. Is my job a contributor to giving me a fulfilling life?

  4. What challenges or obstacles at work excite me and push me to grow professionally?

  5. What are the biggest mistakes I made that allowed me room for learning and improvement?

  6. Do I feel motivated and inspired by the goals and objectives of my organization? If not, what adjustments can I make?

  7. How well do I communicate and collaborate with my colleagues, and how can I enhance those relationships for better teamwork?

  8. Am I effectively managing my work-life balance, ensuring that I have time for personal well-being and rejuvenation?

  9. What strategies or techniques do I employ to stay focused and maintain high levels of concentration and productivity?

  10. How do I seek feedback from others, and how do I incorporate it into my growth and development?

  11. Do I feel a sense of autonomy and ownership in my work? How can I further empower myself in my role?

  12. What new skills or knowledge did I acquire in the past year to broaden my professional horizons and contribute more effectively?

  13. How do I recognize and celebrate my achievements and milestones, both big and small, to maintain motivation?

  14. Am I open to embracing change and adapting to new circumstances or opportunities that arise in my work environment?

  15. If I stayed in this role for another 5 years, would I still be engaged with my job?

Self Reflection Questions on Personal Growth


Personal growth is crucial for both individuals and teams. So, here are some personal growth self-reflection questions to help you become the best version of yourself.

  1. What are my core values, and how well am I aligning my actions and decisions with them?

  2. What are my biggest strengths, and how can I leverage them to reach my full potential?

  3. How do I handle failure and setbacks, and how can I develop a more resilient mindset?

  4. What limiting beliefs or self-doubts do I need to overcome to unlock my personal growth?

  5. How do I nurture my physical and mental health on a regular basis?

  6. Am I actively seeking out new learning opportunities and pushing myself outside of my comfort zone?

  7. What are my long-term goals and aspirations, and what steps can I take today to move closer to them?

  8. How do I manage my time and prioritize my tasks to ensure I'm making progress towards my personal growth?

  9. Do I have a clear vision of who I want to become, and how can I embody those qualities in my daily life?

  10. How do I cultivate positive and supportive relationships that contribute to my personal growth?

  11. What habits or behaviors do I need to let go of to create space for new experiences and growth?

  12. Am I taking responsibility for my actions and decisions, and how can I become more accountable for my personal growth?

  13. What fears or insecurities hold me back, and how can I challenge and overcome them?

  14. How do I engage in self-reflection and self-assessment regularly to track my personal growth journey?

  15. Would my future self be proud of what I've been doing these past few years?

Self Reflection Questions on Wellbeing


Personal well-being should always be a priority, and asking the deep self-reflection questions on well-being helps significantly. Here are some you can ask yourself.

  1. How would I rate my overall level of physical health currently, and what factors contribute to this assessment?

  2. What activities or practices bring me joy, relaxation, and a sense of inner peace?

  3. Am I prioritizing self-care and taking care of my physical, mental, and emotional needs adequately?

  4. How do I manage stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance?

  5. What is my relationship with technology and social media, and is it enhancing or hindering my wellbeing?

  6. How well do I nourish my body with healthy nutrition and engage in regular physical activity?

  7. Do I have healthy boundaries in place to protect my energy and prevent burnout?

  8. How do I practice mindfulness and cultivate a sense of presence in my daily life?

  9. Am I fostering positive and supportive relationships that contribute to my overall wellbeing?

  10. What brings me a sense of purpose and fulfillment, and am I actively engaging in those activities?

  11. How do I express gratitude and cultivate a positive mindset in my everyday experiences?

  12. Am I setting realistic goals and celebrating small victories along the way to boost my self-esteem?

  13. What habits or behaviors might be negatively impacting my wellbeing, and how can I address them?

  14. How do I incorporate moments of relaxation and rejuvenation into my routine to recharge and replenish my energy?

  15. Do I seek support and reach out for help when needed, understanding that it's a sign of strength, not weakness?

Self Reflection Questions on Future Goals


Have you set future goals? Are you on track to fulfill them? These self-reflection questions should help you and everyone in your team, group, or home evaluate their track to success.

  1. What are my long-term aspirations and dreams, and how do they align with my values and passions?

  2. What goals at the start of the new year have I accomplished already at this point?

  3. What specific skills or knowledge do I need to develop to achieve my future goals?

  4. How do I envision my ideal future, and what actions can I take today to move closer to that vision?

  5. Am I setting realistic and achievable goals that challenge me without overwhelming me?

  6. How do I prioritize my goals and ensure that my actions align with my desired outcomes?

  7. What's one bucket list item I want to fulfill this year?

  8. Am I seeking out mentors or role models who have achieved similar goals to learn from their experiences?

  9. How do I measure progress towards my life goals, and am I regularly reviewing and adjusting my plans as needed?

  10. What steps can I take to expand my network and build relationships that can support my future goals?

  11. Am I open to new opportunities and willing to adapt my goals as circumstances evolve?

  12. What fears or self-doubts might be holding me back from pursuing my future goals, and how can I overcome them?

  13. How do I balance short-term gratification with long-term goals, ensuring I'm not sacrificing my future for immediate rewards?

  14. What resources or support systems can I tap into to help me achieve my future goals?

  15. How do I maintain motivation and stay committed to my goals, even during challenging times?

Self Reflection Questions on Personal Productivity & Habits


If you set the right personal habits, you’ll achieve more and become more productive. So here are self-reflection questions on personal productivity and habits to help you out.

  1. How well does my current daily routine support my overall well-being and productivity?

  2. Am I prioritizing and allocating my time effectively to activities that align with my goals and values?

  3. What habits or behaviors do I engage in that contribute to my personal growth and happiness?

  4. Are there any habits or behaviors that are hindering my progress or well-being? How can I address them?

  5. How do I structure my mornings and evenings to set a positive tone for the day and ensure restful sleep?

  6. Do I practice mindfulness and incorporate moments of reflection and gratitude into my daily routine?

  7. Am I making time for activities that bring me joy, relaxation, and fulfillment?

  8. How well am I managing my energy levels throughout the day? Are there any adjustments I can make?

  9. What role does technology play in my daily routine, and is it supporting or distracting me from my priorities?

  10. Am I practicing self-care and nurturing my physical, mental, and emotional well-being on a daily basis?

  11. How do I approach and manage distractions or interruptions during my daily routine?

  12. Do I have healthy boundaries in place to protect my time and energy from unnecessary demands?

  13. How do I prioritize and manage my tasks effectively, avoiding overwhelm and procrastination?

  14. Am I allowing for moments of rest and rejuvenation throughout my day to prevent burnout?

  15. What adjustments can I make to my daily routine to enhance my overall productivity, well-being, and fulfillment?

Self Reflection Questions on Relationships


We’ve put together some personal self reflection questions that you can use with your partner, friends, or family to help evaluate your key relationships. Check out these self reflection questions for relationships.

  1. What qualities and values do I seek in my relationships, and am I embodying those qualities myself?

  2. How do I communicate and express myself in my relationships? Am I an active and empathetic listener?

  3. Am I nurturing and investing time and effort into my important relationships?

  4. How well do I handle conflicts and disagreements within my relationships? Do I seek a resolution and maintain healthy communication?

  5. Are there any patterns or behaviors in my relationships that I need to address or change?

  6. Am I setting healthy boundaries in my relationships to ensure mutual respect and well-being?

  7. Do I protect others from my negative emotions and reactions?

  8. Am I my authentic self around others?

  9. Am I mindful of the needs and emotions of others in my relationships, and do I prioritize their well-being?

  10. What can I do to build deeper connections and intimacy in my relationships?

  11. Do I surround myself with people who inspire and uplift me, or are there toxic relationships I need to evaluate?

  12. What's the best thing I can do to contribute to the overall dynamics and atmosphere within my relationships?

  13. Am I open to giving and receiving constructive feedback within my relationships?

  14. Do I prioritize quality time and create meaningful experiences with the important people in my life?

  15. What actions can I take to show love, support, and care for those I value?

Self Reflection Questions for Home Life


Get a better sense of how your home life is with these self reflection questions for home life. If your workplace also likes to implement work-life integration, these can be great check-in questions to ask at work too:

  1. How do I create a welcoming and nurturing environment in my home?

  2. Am I prioritizing quality time and meaningful connections with my family members or housemates?

  3. How well do I manage household responsibilities and contribute to a harmonious living space?

  4. Am I allowing open and effective communication within my home?

  5. Do I create opportunities for relaxation and rejuvenation within my home?

  6. How do I balance personal time and space with shared activities and responsibilities?

  7. Am I creating a healthy and balanced lifestyle for myself and my family members within our home?

  8. How well do I manage and maintain the physical organization and cleanliness of my home?

  9. Do I create rituals or traditions that promote togetherness and a sense of belonging in my home?

  10. Am I mindful of the needs and emotions of others within my home, and do I make an effort to support their well-being?

  11. How do I handle conflicts or challenges that arise within my home? Do I approach them with patience and understanding?

  12. Am I creating a positive and uplifting atmosphere within my home, free from unnecessary stress or tension?

  13. How do I incorporate activities or hobbies that bring joy and fulfillment into my home life?

  14. Am I mindful of the impact of technology and screen time within my home, and do I establish healthy boundaries around it?

  15. What steps can I take to create a sanctuary within my home that promotes peace, harmony, and happiness?

Self Reflection Questions on Financial Health


Getting a better hold of your finances requires that we regularly reflect on our spending habits, money goals, mindsets, and more. These self reflection questions of financial health should help you out.

  1. How well do I track and manage my income, expenses, and overall financial situation?

  2. Am I living within my means and practicing responsible spending habits?

  3. Do I have clear financial goals and a plan in place to achieve them?

  4. Am I saving and investing appropriately to secure my financial future?

  5. How well do I understand and manage my debts and loans?

  6. Am I regularly reviewing and adjusting my budget to align with my financial goals?

  7. What steps can I take to improve my financial literacy and educate myself about personal finance?

  8. What negative thoughts do I have about my ability to generate money?

  9. How do I approach and make decisions about major financial investments or purchases?

  10. Am I adequately protecting my assets and mitigating financial risks?

  11. Do I seek professional advice or guidance when needed to make informed financial decisions?

  12. How do I balance short-term financial gratification with long-term financial security?

  13. Am I setting aside funds for retirement or other long-term financial goals?

  14. How do I view and manage my relationship with money? Are there any beliefs or behaviors I need to reassess?

  15. What steps can I take to increase my income or explore additional sources of revenue?

Self Reflection Questions for Colleagues


Do you want your colleagues to help each other self-reflect? Having them ask each other these self-reflection questions can make for great avenues to help each other build more self-awareness at work.

  1. How do I contribute to a positive and supportive work environment for my colleagues?

  2. Am I actively listening and being attentive to the ideas and perspectives of my colleagues?

  3. How well do I communicate and collaborate with my colleagues to encourage effective teamwork?

  4. Am I approachable and open to providing support and guidance to my colleagues when needed?

  5. Do I demonstrate respect and treat my colleagues with fairness and professionalism?

  6. How well do I manage conflicts or disagreements with my colleagues, seeking resolution in a constructive manner?

  7. Am I supportive and encouraging of the growth and development of my colleagues?

  8. Do I recognize and appreciate the contributions and achievements of my colleagues?

  9. How well do I maintain healthy boundaries and establish professional relationships with my colleagues?

  10. Am I proactive in building and nurturing professional relationships with my colleagues beyond immediate work needs?

  11. How do I contribute to a culture of diversity, inclusivity, and mutual respect among my colleagues?

  12. Am I open to receiving feedback from my colleagues and using it as an opportunity for personal growth?

  13. How do I approach and manage differences in work styles or preferences among my colleagues?

  14. Am I mindful of the workload and responsibilities of my colleagues, offering support when possible?

  15. What steps can I take to create stronger connections and collaboration with my colleagues?

Self Reflection Questions for Remote Teams


If you’re running a virtual team, these self-reflection questions for remote work and teams should help you out.

  1. How do I communicate and collaborate with my remote team members?

  2. Am I proactive in reaching out and maintaining regular communication with my remote colleagues?

  3. How well do I adapt and embrace technology tools to facilitate remote collaboration and productivity?

  4. Am I contributing to a positive and inclusive remote team culture?

  5. Do I actively participate in virtual meetings and discussions, sharing my ideas and perspectives?

  6. How do I manage and prioritize my tasks and responsibilities while working remotely?

  7. Am I maintaining a healthy work-life balance in a remote work environment?

  8. How do I ensure clear and timely communication with remote team members across different time zones?

  9. Do I actively seek opportunities for virtual team building and social interactions with my remote colleagues?

  10. How well do I support the well-being and emotional needs of my remote team members?

  11. Am I proactive in providing and seeking feedback from my remote colleagues to foster growth and improvement?

  12. How do I adapt to the challenges and limitations of remote work, finding creative solutions to enhance productivity?

  13. Am I aware of and respecting the individual working styles and preferences of my remote team members?

  14. How do I cultivate trust and accountability within my remote team?

  15. What steps can I take to promote a sense of connection and collaboration among my remote team members?

How to Start a Self-relfection Cadence at Work

Starting a self-reflection practice in your office can be a valuable initiative for personal and professional growth. If you want to do this and you don’t know how, here are some tips and steps to help you get started:

  1. Explaing the benefits of self-reflection to your colleagues and team members. Highlight how self-reflection can enhance self-awareness, problem-solving, teamwork, and overall performance.

  2. Share self-reflection resources such as books, articles, or worksheets that can guide employees in their self-reflection practice.

  3. Encourage employees to allocate dedicated time for self-reflection within their work schedule. This could be a regular practice, such as weekly or monthly, where individuals can reflect on their experiences, goals, and progress.

  4. Cultivate an environment where everyone values self-reflection. Ensure that employees feel safe to reflect on their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement without fear of judgment. Encourage sharing insights and learnings from self-reflection with colleagues.

  5. Demonstrate your commitment to self-reflection by practicing it yourself. As John Maxwell once said, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” Leaders should always initiate and lead by example.

  6. Offer guidance on various self-reflection techniques, such as keeping a self-reflection journal, mindfulness exercises, or guided meditation. Explain how these practices can help individuals delve deeper into their thoughts and emotions.

  7. Consider providing coaching or mentorship programs where employees can receive guidance and support in their self-reflection process. This can help individuals gain additional insights and perspectives from experienced professionals.

  8. Recognize and celebrate individuals' growth and progress resulting from their self-reflection efforts. This will motivate your employees to continue their self-reflection practice and inspire others to start their own journey.

Using virtual tools to help foster self-reflection questions should also help. You can use QuizBreaker if you want to run self-reflection icebreakers in an engaging way at work.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it intrusive to ask self-reflection questions at work?

Asking self-reflection questions at work becomes constructive when practiced with sensitivity and respect for individual boundaries. So before you start this tradition, take time to consider the context and culture of your workplace and ensure that the questions do not become intrusive.

Self-reflection is an individual process, and not everyone may be comfortable sharing personal insights or experiences in a work setting right away (or at all). Allow employees the autonomy to decide how much they want to share and respect their boundaries.

Foster a culture of psychological safety so that employees feel comfortable engaging in self-reflection without fear of criticism or negative repercussions. Emphasize that self-reflection is a tool for personal growth and development, not a means of judgment.

Engaging in self-reflection must br optional. Forcing self-reflection will only cause the program to backfire. Provide resources and guidance for those who are interested, but avoid pressuring individuals to engage if they are not ready or willing.

Having open and honest communication about the purpose and benefits of self-reflection will help. When you cast the vision well, you can foster a supportive and inclusive environment for personal growth in the workplace.

How often should I ask self-reflection questions?

Your self-reflection and evaluation frequency will vary depending on individual preferences and the specific goals or context of the self-reflection practice. There is no fixed rule or one-size-fits-all approach.

Consider why you want to have a self-reflection practice in the first place. If you're focusing on personal growth or overcoming specific challenges, more frequent self-reflection sessions can help. If the goal is to maintain ongoing self-awareness and well-being, regular but less frequent sessions will suffice.

Assess the time constraints of your work or personal schedule. Determine how often you can realistically dedicate time to engage in self-reflection without feeling overwhelmed or rushed. Find a frequency that works for you without adding unnecessary stress.

Consistency is the key in self-reflection. It's often more effective to have regular, shorter self-reflection sessions than infrequent, lengthy ones. Strive for a balance that allows for meaningful introspection while fitting into your routine comfortably.

Ultimately, your goal should be to establish a sustainable, meaningful, and supportive practice. Experiment with different frequencies, assess their impact, and adjust as needed to find a rhythm that works best for you.

What other questions can I use to engage my coworkers and team?

Self-reflections aren’t the only kind of engagement questions you can ask at work. Here are some other types of questions you can ask to engage your coworkers.

For more fun games and activities to play at work, you should also check out this blog.

Final Words

In a world that often prioritizes constant action and external achievements, self-reflection serves as a powerful counterbalance.

This practice will require patience, self-compassion, and a genuine desire to grow. As our teams engage in self-reflection, we cultivate self-awareness and foster personal and collective growth.

So, we encourage you to embrace the power of self-reflection as a catalyst for positive change and do your best to make your coworkers see the value in this too. Let us commit to regular moments of introspection, exploring the depths of our thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

The journey starts with a single question, a moment of self-inquiry. Take that step today and embark on a lifelong journey of self-reflection. The rewards are infinite, and the possibilities for personal growth and fulfillment are within your grasp.

Patrick Mabilog

Article by

Patrick Mabilog

Patrick Mabilog is the Business Development Manager at QuizBreaker and a lover of all things team-building-related. Before working in Quizbreaker, he served as Human Resource Manager for various virtual teams. He also runs team building programs and retreats for companies when he's not working on growing Quizbreaker.

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