For many employers and employees, the mention of “employee feedback” seems to trigger some feelings of negativity, discomfort, and anxiety. This is because many perceive the concept of employee feedback to be challenging and tricky, but even though it can sometimes be difficult to implement, effective feedback is not about criticizing your employees.
It’s about constructively evaluating their work while aligning it with your company’s goals. It’s also about listening and providing continuous feedback to your entire team— including good feedback when they do a good job or do hard work, and constructive feedback conversations in areas where they might need improvement.
That said, such things are easier said than done. This is why we hope that by the end of this article, you’ll not only be able to choose the right effective employee feedback examples for your direct reports and organization during performance reviews or coaching conversations, but you’ll feel empowered to apply them in practice, too.
What Is Employee Feedback?
Employee feedback has been defined as:
...any information exchanged by employees (formally or informally) regarding their performance, skills, or ability to work within a team. Both supervisors and peers may deliver feedback, and when done tactfully, the process can create a stronger, more harmonious workplace.*
It’s worth noting that there’s both positive and negative employee feedback, though. And both matter because both help reinforce positive behavior, detect problematic decisions, enable teams to work more effectively, break bad habits, and so on.
Also, we prefer to refer to negative feedback as constructive feedback. Put simply, we think that the adjective “negative” has a very bleak connotation, and it sounds as though it’s bad-mannered. This, of course, is far from true.
Namely, the purpose behind constructive criticism isn’t to humiliate employees, accentuate their flaws, or hurt their feelings. It’s about allowing for a discussion to arise so that certain problematic behaviors are detected, and, later on, solved successfully.
That said, giving praise and providing positive employee feedback come easily because, let’s face it - everyone appreciates positive reinforcement. However, giving constructive feedback is much harder to plan and execute. And it’s challenging for the person on the receiving end, too!
And while it could be tempting to pull away, and abandon the employee feedback ship, it’s better to be fully aware of all the benefits that come with providing ongoing employee feedback. And before we move on to the actual employee feedback examples (because that’s why you’re here, right?), we’ll briefly go through some useful stats to empower you further.
Employee Feedback Statistics
By now, you know that providing employee feedback and speaking up when it’s necessary to do so matters, and this isn’t just a random fact. HR leaders, employers, and employees themselves tend to understand the importance that comes with each feedback and the implications that feedback has not only for the overall business, but for the well-being of all parties involved, too.
To support these claims, we’ve carefully selected useful employee feedback statistics for you to reflect upon:
85% of employees are said to take more initiative when they receive feedback in their workplace (73% of them also stated they believe they’re better collaborators, while 48% claimed they care more about their work than they did initially);
89% of HR leaders agree that providing regular feedback and check-ins are key for successful outcomes;
92% of respondents agreed that negative redirecting feedback (or as we want to call it - constructive feedback), when delivered in an appropriate manner, is effective at improving employee performance;
60% of employees said they wanted feedback on a daily or weekly basis;
80% of employees want to receive feedback at the moment rather than getting aggregated feedback for an annual or bi-annual review;
Businesses that tend to give feedback to their employees have turnover rates that are 14.9% lower than for employees at businesses that didn’t get feedback;
68% of employees who get accurate and consistent feedback feel fulfilled in their jobs;
43% of highly engaged employees get feedback at least once a week;
Just 1% of employees who receive positive feedback tend to be actively disengaged, compared to 40% of those who don’t receive feedback.
On the whole, it goes without saying that providing your workers with feedback has tremendous benefits. But these benefits go far beyond stats and facts, and those are precisely the aspects we’ll be dealing with in the next sections of this article, starting with positive feedback.
Positive Feedback
Positive feedback reinforces positive behaviors, actions, habits, decision-making processes, and results.
This type of feedback doesn’t only confirm workers’ performance so far, but it motivates them to be even more productive and motivated in the future as well.
The following sections contain feedback suggestions about various contexts you may encounter in your workplace on a daily basis that are worthy of positive feedback.
1) Portraying core company values
Company values denote a set of principles and fundamental beliefs that each company nurtures. In essence, they help the people who are part of those companies function well together and work toward achieving their mutual business goals.
Companies have a wide range of core values, including but not limited to:
positive attitude;
simplicity, and so on.
Some of these values come easily to most employees; others need some time to be properly acquired. Whatever the situation is in your company, whenever an employee shows a specific value in quite a memorable way, they deserve to receive proper recognition for it. In doing so, you’re not only rewarding that particular employee, but you indirectly invite their peers to follow suit as well.
So, let your workers know when they’re good at something, or when they exhibit certain traits you value. With this, you also boost their confidence and let them know they’re on the right track.
Our example for actual feedback:
I am mind-blown by how patient you were with today’s client. They were so persuasive and rude at times, so I can only imagine how challenging the whole situation was for you! Yet, you managed to explain everything so patiently, I could not help but wonder how you managed to react so nicely?! Well done. Patience truly is a virtue, and no doubt you have mastered it!
2) Performing well
When an employee achieves something, their results should be celebrated. In essence, this will not only make them happy and satisfied with the positive results, but they’ll be more motivated for their future endeavors, too.
When you provide feedback for someone’s performance, it’s good to be specific about the skills you’re praising, the achievements you’re outlining, as well as the outcomes you’re complimenting. An employee can receive feedback and praise about a wide range of things, so it’s always useful to let them know what it is you’re referring to. And this, of course, applies to all positive feedback examples, but when it comes to their performance, it can be useful for employees to see you’ve noticed all their wins in greater detail.
Our example for actual feedback:
What a great job you did on the presentation the other day! I hear the new client was absolutely amazed, and this may positively impact our ongoing negotiations. Well done. I truly appreciate all your contributions, creativity, and overall performance.
3) Surpassing your business expectations
Each job position comes with a set of fixed expectations and roles. And while most of the time, employees tend to address their everyday tasks; it’s the times when they surpass them that are worth talking about.
That said, in order to exceed the expectations in the workplace, an employee needs to be aware of what the base expectations include since this can differ from company to company.
It all comes down to the individual expectations employers set when they hire someone. Of course, certain tasks and expectations change over time.
Now, going beyond what’s considered “base” doesn’t only mean taking your expectations up a notch. It means being more creative than they’ve been before, coming up with ideas no one suggested, creating projects others got stuck with, signing up a contract with an “untouchable” client, and so on. The list is endless when it comes to how an employee may surpass your expectations.
All in all, when an employee develops a mindset that exceeds the expectations they’ve been made aware of, it means they tend to see each task, situation, or event as a chance to go above and beyond. And it’s up to you how you respond.
Our example for actual feedback:
I’m very pleased with your productivity this month. You did so much more than what was asked of you! The way you handled the client, paid attention to the deadlines, and organized the meetings - it is all very admirable and amazing! I am so proud of everything you have managed to achieve so far, keep up the good work!
4) Getting back on track
Maybe an employee has been sick, and it took some time to get back on track with everything. Perhaps an employee had a hard time adjusting to a new job position. There’s an employee whose annual review wasn’t the best, but they’re slowly making progress. Someone could have struggled with an awful burnout episode, but they’re slowly starting to come round.
Why? And how?
Probably because they’ve decided to put in some extra effort.
And this can be done in many ways. They might talk to their managers and receive instructions, they may come to you for advice, or they could talk to their peers and see how to approach their personal situations. Some of them might even be self-examining.
On the whole, many things may cause an employee to fall off the track, but if you as an employee find a way to welcome them again, you can bet they’ll find the right way to reintegrate.
Our example for actual feedback:
I just wanted to say how pleased I was to find out that you stayed late last night to double-check the proposal we sent out! I thought we were going to do that first thing in the morning, but I am so glad you wanted to make sure everything was in order for the big event. I have always trusted in your capabilities and skills, but now I am more convinced than ever that I can trust you with much more serious tasks!
5) Resolving conflicts
Conflicts happen even in the most harmonious companies. In fact, they’re said to be quite normal and healthy. They help bring different opinions to the fore, allow team members to analyze various perspectives, and ask individuals to think critically.
And while conflicts aren’t the problem - ignoring them is. Avoiding conflicts has never brought peace within any workplace. As a matter of fact, this may even aggravate the already existing situation.
There’s not a one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to resolving conflicts. It’s probably a mix of emotional intelligence, professional behavior, an employee’s personal reasoning, as well as the seriousness of the conflict. But once a worker “mixes” all of these ingredients, the way is paved toward reaching a solution.
And once the conflict gets solved, there’s only one thing left to do - congratulate the employee who managed to do so!
Finally, don’t forget that sometimes you can’t fully rely on employees resolving their conflicts. As an employer, you may need to take action when necessary.
Our example for actual feedback:
I do not have words for the way you handled today’s conflict in the office. You were so down-to-earth, calm, and supportive, and it is really admirable. I think the other employees were quite pleased with your reaction, too. Plus, the idea that you gave afterward about ongoing feedback and organizing sessions where colleagues can express their worries and thoughts - absolutely refreshing! Even my HR leaders were positively surprised by the way you handled the conflict, so well done once again!
6) Exhibiting problem-solving skills
You have a new client, but you’ve just realized you already collaborate with their biggest competitor.
You divided your employees into groups, but some introverted workers have a hard time adjusting to the situation and working with their peers.
You find out a worker has been bullying another colleague.
There’s a lack of two-way communication regarding the latest product launch.
Who’s the first employee you go to to help you solve these problems?
This is one of those employee feedback examples that remind you to appreciate your employees with great problem-solving skills at all times.
Our example for actual feedback:
I am still in awe when I think about the suggestions you gave in today’s team meeting. I cannot believe it did not cross my mind that we can hire freelancers to work on the project! This basically solves all of our problems - it is less time-consuming for the workers, it is cost-effective for the company, and we will manage to finish the project at a much earlier date! Also, thanks for volunteering to observe the interviews.
I know this practically counts as overtime work, but rest assured you will receive a generous bonus at the end of the month for the commitment you’ve shown to this project! Let me know if you have any other suggestions or questions.
7) Helping their peers
You probably like helping your employees when they come with a question or a worry, but you’re likely to feel much more satisfied when you see them going to another colleague for help.
And we don’t mean this in a bad way. In fact, creating a cooperative company culture where employees help each other is an essential factor for effective organizations. The idea is to be helped and help others.
Enabling this cycle of cooperation among your workers isn’t an overnight thing, though. You need to help prepare the ground and provide the mechanisms to assist this process. In other words, you should create opportunities for employees to help one another (brainstorming sessions, group meetings, project work, teamwork, mutual presentations, team-building events, and so on). Plus, all these greatly help the overall employee engagement process.
Our example for actual feedback:
Sarah just told me what you did with Paul the other day. I want you to know how proud I am that you actually stayed after work and helped Paul learn our new software and tools after his long leave. I was thinking about asking an employee to help him during his first week back, but the fact that you decided to do it without having to ask anyone tells me all I need to know about the situation.
Plus, Jane said you offered to meet with Paul during the weekend to discuss this further. Is this true? I am honored to have such employees in my company and this reminds me to never take my workers for granted. I am here if you need any further help. Also, the HR team is at your disposal. Thank you once again!
8) Overcoming an obstacle
Even the most successful employees have their share of challenges. So when a worker is able to not only analyze their problem, but overcome it, they certainly deserve recognition for their efforts.
Acknowledging your employees’ efforts to overcome certain obstacles says a lot about you as an employer, too. In other words, you get to witness how your employees make progress in their careers, improve their skills, find new ways to solve potential issues, to name a few.
Plus, we can’t forget to mention the act of building trust. Namely, openly discussing problems and obstacles allows employees to open up about any worries or concerns they may have. Of course, this can be tough, as employees may be afraid that someone might hold this against them, but if you let them know that facing obstacles is a normal thing and it doesn’t mean they’re doing a bad job, they’ll be much more willing to talk about things openly.
Finally, they’ll realize how far they’ve come once they get your positive feedback about it, too.
Our example for actual feedback:
Mark, I know how much you struggled with public speaking in the past. But this time I knew you were ready to deliver your ideas in public - that is why I said you should lead the meeting with our new clients. I was so pleased to see you relaxed while everyone listened to what you had to say. You have worked so much on yourself, and it’s definitely helping! Keep doing what you have been doing so far! I cannot wait to see what other surprises you have for us during our next meeting.
9) Showing amazing organizational skills
Employees with amazing organizational skills usually:
have a clean workspace;
know what projects they’re working on at all times;
always have a to-do list (or a detailed work schedule);
have their materials impeccably organized;
maintain a healthy work-life balance;
excel at time management;
meet deadlines (or are able to finish tasks way before the actual deadline), and so on.
These habits sound lovely in theory, but in practice can you really recall how many employees are able to apply them?
While everyone’s different, and habits and skills can’t be imposed on employees, one thing’s certain - having highly organized employees in the workplace sure helps make the office a better place.
Our example for actual feedback:
Earlier today I saw the plan for today’s meeting. It was a mess, it was not clear who should open the meeting, who should greet the guests, and who is expected to wrap things up. Plus, the seats were not numbered as we decided the other day, and no one rang the catering service to confirm our order!
I cannot believe that you managed to handle all of this in two hours. And on your own! You did not only “save” the meeting from being a complete failure - you have shown what great organizational skills you have, too. Seriously! I am still processing how the day went.
10) Showing leadership skills
Whether it’s throughout a random project meeting, a discussion with a potential client, or during an onboarding process with new hires - taking initiative and showing one’s leadership skills is something every employer greatly appreciates. And while not all employees show such values during their careers, those who do should receive acknowledgment for it.
When an employee can get others to listen to them and allow to be guided in the right direction, you know you have an employee who’s worth keeping.
Our example for actual feedback:
I know this was not easy. You took a lot of responsibility, but I want you to know that this is a big step forward in your career. Other company’s employers told me how pleased they were with your presentation at the conference, and how you guided the other speakers, too. Also, I was happy to hear that you approached some of our potential clients during the conference weekend. I love the initiative. Way to go! And I will be in touch soon as to how we can proceed from here.
11) Being a team player
Many employees don’t have any problem when it comes to collaborating with their peers, but it takes a real team player to fully feel comfortable dealing with their colleagues.
In essence, a team player is a person who actively contributes to the group so that all tasks are completed, the goals are met, the projects are managed, and everyone’s satisfied. Team players listen to their peers, respect their ideas, and tend to improve the overall process at the hand. They’re also flexible, patient, and have no problem adjusting to the current situation. Achieving the company’s goals usually requires close collaboration and employees who tend to neglect this may struggle to progress within their company.
So, if you have an employee who fits this description and they’ve been doing a great job in terms of being cooperative, make sure to let them know.
Our example for actual feedback:
Peter, I know you always prefer working on your own and that the changes we have done in the company so far might have been overwhelming. But Maria told me how closely you collaborated with the other team members during our latest feature launch, and I have to say I was not only relieved, but quite proud to hear you have been adjusting to this new way of working splendidly. I know that this was not a small change for you, as you have been working on your own for the past 10 years, but I am glad to see you slowly accepting our new business approach. Hope you are proud of yourself, too!
12) Having great communication skills
For each employee out there, the ability to communicate effectively with their colleagues, supervisors, managers, and clients is crucial, regardless of the industry they work in.
Excellent communication skills get employees hired, promoted, praised, rewarded, and complimented. Here are some of the ways employees can show their communication skills:
show respect when needed;
actively listen;
willingness to both ask and answer questions;
have control of their emotions, thoughts, and decisions;
don’t get annoyed or triggered easily;
display positive body language;
understand the differences between formal and informal communication and language, and so on.
Finally, great communication skills help employees get great feedback.
Our example for actual feedback:
John, without having to consult anyone who attended the corporate party, I know that it’s because of you that this client decided to start collaborating with us. Honestly, we’ve been trying to get them to work with us for a while now, and nothing worked, until you talked to their marketing manager. I’m both surprised and amazed! I have no idea what you told him, but whatever it is that you did - it obviously worked! Great job!
13) Having a great attendance record
A great attendance record means more than just not calling in sick a lot of the time. It includes things such as starting with your job duties on time, staying in the office throughout the day to complete your tasks, and not wandering, as well as attending scheduled meetings and conferences.
Attendance is a highly important factor in each workplace. This is also because one employee’s regular attendance (or the lack of it) impacts their peers’ tasks and responsibilities, too. For instance, if you have an employee who frequently calls in sick, leaves work earlier due to private reasons, or takes days off when there are important appointments going on in the company, the rest of the workers will need to compensate for it. This may ultimately decrease employee morale and overall efficiency.
With this in mind, now you know why it’s important to have employees with a great attendance record.
Our example for actual feedback:
I have no idea what would happen to our company if you were not here (almost) all the time. There is nothing else to be added other than an honest THANK YOU for always being here!
14) Boosting morale in the workspace
There are certain feedback examples that don’t allude to one specific thing (such as an employee’s performance or their leadership skills), and this is one of them.
Such broader employee feedback examples matter because most of your workers can fit in those examples.
Employees may need a boost due to many reasons. They could be shy, feeling burned out, insecure, lost, in need of guidance in the right direction, or they might simply crave a confirmation that they’re headed in the right direction.
Our example for actual feedback:
Hey Tom, I know you have been feeling quite burned out lately, and I am aware that your personal situation with your mom being sick is not helping.
Plus, we had quite a busy year in our organization, with many new clients and requests, and I know many employees have been working harder than usual. Anyway, I wanted to let you know that your contribution is greatly appreciated, and if you wanted some extra days off (or anything else) I am open to discussing it. Take care!
Constructive Feedback
Constructive feedback is issue-focused, based on arguments and ongoing observations, and comes with information about how an employee could perform better in the future.
In essence, it highlights some changes a worker should implement and it can be about a wide range of reasons: from how they behave with their peers, to how they prioritize their tasks and communicate with clients.
Below, we share examples of situations where you’d give this kind of feedback.
15) Failing to meet goals
Failing to meet one’s goals is tough for every employee, but when employees realize they should bring up this subject, things get quite tough for them, too.
And while no one finds it pleasant to talk about failure or not achieving what was envisioned, it’s absolutely necessary. In fact, how can you expect to prevent this from happening in the future unless you bring it up and understand why it happened in the first place?
Talking about an employee’s failure to achieve certain goals should be done sooner rather than later. This helps them understand the underlying issues that popped up during the process, and of course, get back on track with things.
Also, it’s worth noting that this is one of those employee feedback examples which requires a two-way conversation. In other words, feedback alone isn’t enough. The constructive feedback is what paves the way to having an honest discussion with your employee.
Our example for actual feedback:
Joey, you already know that our company sets performance goals to make sure both you and our business succeed. The goals we set are closely connected to our company’s objectives, visions, and expectations. They affect our revenue and overall results, too.
Therefore, I must say I am concerned that this is the third time where you fail to secure an important deal with a client. I am not blaming only you - I wish to talk to you and see what went wrong, and how we can make sure this does not turn into a habit.
16) Getting into arguments with others
It’s tough to get along with everyone in the company, in the team, or sometimes even during lunch breaks when random conversations pop up. Yet, it’s more than necessary show initiative to reach a common ground rather than constantly get into arguments with others.
That said, it seems many employees find the latter easier. And while you as an employer can’t fix everything or have control over who said what, when they said it, and so on, it’s your duty to address intolerable situations, especially if you’ve witnessed them, or someone else informed you about them.
As with most things, preparing adequate and constructive feedback is the way to go. Of course, sometimes you may need to be more persuasive because just the act of giving feedback will not do. However, each situation is different, so you’ll have to adjust your methods as you go along.
Our example for actual feedback:
Hey Harry, I could not help but notice that you have been getting into arguments with your peers quite often these few weeks. While I do not think you want to argue with others on purpose, your behavior has changed a lot. Also, Sarah told me you were yelling at one of our clients the other day. That is unacceptable, to say the least, as it will not only cost our profit, but the overall business and the authority we have built so far. Plus, that is just not how we communicate with our clients. The same applies to the interaction among workers. So, I would really like to have a word or two during this week. Let me know when you are available so we can schedule a meeting in my office.
17) Dismissing others’ input
When an employee doesn’t leave room for peers to bring their ideas to the table, you know you have a problem. A big one.
It’s one thing when a manager doesn’t accept someone’s idea (although even they shouldn’t dismiss it or ignore it, but explain why they’re opting for another employee’s idea). However, when an employee ignores another employee, this may wreak havoc in the company, and increase rivalry. This, of course, affects the company’s overall performance, interpersonal relationships, and the work dynamics.
And this may be tough if it happened repeatedly and if it involves the same people all the time. Dealing with this issue asks more than just providing constructive feedback, but at least you know you have initiated change.
Our example for actual feedback:
Kim, I wanted to let you know I always appreciate your suggestions and ideas when we have brainstorming sessions. That said, I do believe you should be more considerate of your peers’ ideas. For instance, on Tuesday, I was told you were rather dismissive of Tom’s ideas, and you did not even allow him to finish his presentation properly.
Of course, If I had been there I would have reacted right away, but this was brought to my attention by most of your colleagues who attended the session. Clearly, the situation bothered them too. Anyway, I know sometimes it is tough to listen to everyone, especially when we do not agree with everything they say, but that is what brainstorming sessions are about - to hear others’ input so that we can make an informed decision.
I hope you will take this into account for the upcoming brainstorming sessions.
18) Exhibiting problematic behavior
Douglas Stone stated:
Before you tell me how to do it better, before you lay out your big plans for changing, fixing, and improving me, before you teach me how to pick myself up and dust myself off so that I can be shiny and successful—know this: I’ve heard it before. I’ve been graded, rated, and ranked. Coached, screened, and scored. I’ve been picked first, picked last, and not picked at all. And that was just kindergarten.
Let’s face it, at some point, all of us have been scolded or reprimanded for our behavior (whatever that means on an individual level). But when it comes to corporate context, what exactly is problematic behavior?
Apparently, it may include many kinds of behavior: from procrastination, laziness, disinterest, and rude comments, to sexual harassment, arguing with clients, and so on. And while problematic behavior can be somewhat easy to detect, eradicating it may pose quite a challenge for many employers.
Giving constructive feedback to an employee with problematic behavior is a nice start, but it’d be far-fetched to expect everything to be solved with a single feedback.
Our example for actual feedback:
Several of your peers have reported hearing you tell sexual jokes during lunch and this has made some people feel uncomfortable. I am sure you did not have any bad intentions and you did not want to offend anyone, but I am afraid the sex jokes practice cannot go on. As a company, we have a very clear set of values and guidelines, and making people feel uncomfortable or harassed is not one of them. If you wish to discuss things, or explain things from your perspective, you know you are always welcome in my office.
19) Making errors repeatedly
This is one of those employee feedback examples that may be tricky to deal with. After all, who wants to be reprimanded for their mistakes?
But when errors happen far more often than they should, it’s your responsibility as an employer to look into the matter. This is so because if you ignore them, they’re likely to happen again, and again, and yet again. And the worst thing is that your company may arrive at a point where those mistakes cause irreversible damage, both to the business and the people involved.
Now, constructive feedback isn’t about finger pointing or blaming an employee. It’s about having a productive discussion, expressing your thoughts, and letting the worker know they need to be more careful in the future.
Above all, it’s about helping the employee see how the error happened, why it happened, how it can be addressed, and what should be done so that such mistakes don't get repeated.
Our example for actual feedback:
Patrisha, I am aware of how challenging accounting can be, and I know that dealing with numbers means making mistakes (at times). However, I have noticed that the number of mistakes you have done in the past several weeks has been increasing. This is odd considering you made fewer mistakes when you began working here and everything was quite new to you.
This makes me wonder if there is something going on in your life that keeps you distracted and unable to focus? I do not mean to pry into your private life but if there is something you are willing to discuss with me (or the HR team), please feel free to do so. In the meantime, make sure you double-check the invoices, as well as all the calculations you handle on a daily basis.
20) Having poor communication skills
We already mentioned the concept of communication when we addressed the sixteenth feedback example, but this one is different because a person with poor communication skills doesn’t necessarily argue with others.
First of all, poor communication skills are hard to eliminate, but making employees aware of them is more than a good start.
Talking about the way someone interacts with others, conveys their views, and expresses their opinions may be tricky as it’s such a personal thing. After all, each individual has a different approach - some may be more verbal, while others may use their body language and facial expressions more. But one thing’s certain - when someone has poor communication skills, it’s usually noticed.
And this may manifest in different ways:
unable to express their views or defend them;
writing impolite and informal emails or not knowing how to respond to them;
not being on the same page with clients;
constantly interrupting others;
not being able to read other people’s body language and therefore they respond inadequately;
not paying attention to the person talking to them;
not knowing when to start talking or when to stop;
ignoring other people’s requests, needs, questions, and so much more.
All in all, addressing a worker’s way of communicating is all about making them self-aware so that next time they know better than to apply the same communication methods.
Our example for actual feedback:
I was thinking about bringing up this issue with you for a while now, as I was not sure if it was a recurring pattern or it just happened once. I noticed the way you talked to Joel, our new client last week, and I realized you were very persuasive when it came to selling our new product. It was just too much. While we do wish our clients to use our products, we do not want to force them to purchase them. I noticed the same behavior with Janet yesterday, too. You were trying to make her choose our annual membership rather than a monthly one, and you were pushing really hard. I almost thought Janet was going to cancel even the option she preferred. Anyway, I would appreciate it if you could re-evaluate how you communicate with our clients, as well as what the best approach is when it comes to selling our products.
21) Not prioritizing tasks
Prioritization is one of the key factors when it comes to productivity. And it seems like such an easy thing to apply, Yet, many employees seem to struggle to determine which tasks should be prioritized.
There could be many reasons for this: employees preferring to do the easier things first, not wanting to reject someone’s proposal/project, not being clear on the company’s current goals and vision, misunderstanding a manager’s instructions, and so on.
And while you may not be able to come to the root cause of why certain employees struggle to prioritize their tasks, it’s your job to initiate a discussion about it. You might not solve this overnight, as prioritization takes both time and experience, but at least you’ll know you have taken the bull by the horns.
Our example for actual feedback:
Elizabeth, I know this was a tough month and you had a lot on your plate, but I have to comment on the way you have been handling your tasks. Namely, I have noticed you have been behind with the more important ones (such as the project about eCommerce, or the one we have going with the SEO agency), and you have focused on collaborations that are yet to come. This did not really make sense to me at all.
Plus, as far as I can tell, Natasha already told you the same a while ago when you two were in the same team (if I am not mistaken, it was the web hosting project, right?). So, basically this has been an ongoing issue. Please try to prioritize your tasks and projects better, and if you are not sure how to do something, come to my office, or simply talk to the project leader.
22) Frequently being late for work
Tardiness can be a big issue within every company. This is especially true if it occurs repeatedly.
And although you may let your workers know it’s not tolerated, some may continue this pattern of being late. Here’s the problem: being late doesn’t just affect your worker’s performance, it has an influence on your authority as well, along with how the rest of your workers perceive the whole situation.
And while disciplinary procedures could be used (preferably as a last resort), there are other things you can do to start tackling this issue:
address the situation early on;
give praise for improved behavior;
state your expectations clearly;
refer your worker to a tardy policy;
send your HR team to talk to them;
give constructive feedback on an ongoing basis (such as the one we provided below);
and make regular checks.
Our example for actual feedback:
Jesse, I know you are a hard-working employee and I understand how loyal you are to this company. You have shown this time and time again. Yet, I must say that your coming late to work has started to become a bit of a problem, not just for me, but for the rest of your colleagues who manage to be here on time every day.
I understand that unpredictable things may sometimes happen such as missing a bus, waking up and realizing your car does not work, having trouble with your kid at home, and so on. But you coming late has become more or less a pattern. And it does not set a good example for new hires either. I would greatly appreciate it if you could on your time schedule, and make sure to come to work at appropriate times.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why does employee feedback matter?
Employee feedback matters because its implications are easily noticeable and quite impactful. First and foremost, employee feedback reinforces adequate employee behaviors, strengthens interpersonal relationships, and boosts productivity. It brings about increased employee engagement, too.
Constructive feedback is significant as well. As such, constructive feedback has the power to reduce negative behaviors, help employees learn more about their shortcomings and work on them.
However, feedback needs to be given at the right time, too. So, the right feedback is also a timely one.
All in all, employee feedback matters because it lets employees know where they stand, what it is they need to continue doing, and what needs improving.
How am I supposed to give feedback to my employees?
There are no fixed guidelines when it comes to how you should provide feedback. However, there are certainly some tips and tricks you may wish to take into account the next time you give your employees feedback:
First of all, be honest - truly mean what you’re saying/writing.
Be authentic in your expression - don’t use ready-made templates to address an employee’s personal issue.
Be clear about the topic - focus on the subject without being vague or abstract.
As we already explained - don’t wait too long to give feedback. Feedback should be received when it’s fresh.
Be grounded in your approach - base your claims on behaviors and impartial suggestions.
Don’t be harsh when you provide constructive feedback - always leave room for the other person to “defend” themselves and their views. Also, make it clear you and your employee are on the same team - you don’t have any hidden agenda, and you wish to see them succeed.
Show empathy - even the best employee may sometimes make mistakes, get carried away by their personal issues, or simply forget to do something.
Make feedback an ongoing event - it shouldn’t be something you give every once in a blue moon.
Final Words
All in all, employee feedback is an essential aspect of every employer-employee relationship. Also, it’s not just about the act of giving feedback - it’s about how you give it, why you give it, as well as what you give feedback about.
We hope our article helped clarify all of these.
And to properly sum up our employee feedback examples discussion, we’ll finish off with a quote by Douglas Stone:
It doesn’t matter how much authority or power a feedback giver has; the receivers are in control of what they do and don’t let in, how they make sense of what they’re hearing, and whether they choose to change. Pushing harder rarely opens the door to genuine learning [...].
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And while this means that as an employer (the feedback giver) you definitely have no control over how your employee (the feedback receiver) may react, it’s certainly up to you to plant the seed.
Have fun giving employee feedback!