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200+ Performance Review Examples for Managers (Full Guide)

Updated December 14, 2023 · 19 min read

If you're looking for performance review examples to help your team members grow and succeed, you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll share some employee evaluation examples and phrases to use during performance appraisal season.

Undoubtedly, providing constructive criticism and honest employee evaluations matters greatly for teams of all sizes. However, many managers and employers struggle in this area. We often feel that as necessary as evaluations of an employee's performance are, we can't find the right ways to evaluate them.

Learning how to evaluate employees fairly is the first step to providing positive feedback to help old or new employees improve at work. So, let's dive in and look at some ways you can do that.

What are Employee Evaluations?

What are Employee Evaluations

Employee evaluations (or performance reviews or appraisals, as some organizations might call them) are a systematic process companies and their leaders use to assess and document an employee's performance and potential for future advancement.

Typically, this process involves evaluating an employee's work performance against specific criteria, including the quality and quantity of work, adherence to company policies, teamwork, communication skills, and initiative.

Reviewing and providing performance evaluations often involves setting specific, measurable goals for the employee to achieve before the next evaluation. These goals should then align with the organization’s performance goals.

As part of this process, the employee and the evaluator (usually a supervisor or manager) discuss the employee's strengths and areas for improvement. Constructive feedback is essential for the employee's professional growth.

What's the current state of employee appraisals and evaluations? Take a look at these numbers.

Overall, we see how crucial employee evaluation is to improving employee engagement. However, many leaders don't know how to go about it. Looking at best practices, we can develop creative solutions to help our direct reports improve their performance and grow with the company.

If you’re running employee evaluations at work, it helps to make it two-way. Studies show that employees become more receptive to feedback when you allow them to give feedback too. To do this, use a tool that will improve employee feedback at work. We recommend using a pulse survey tool like the one we have in Quizbreaker.

Our pulse survey tool lets you gather feedback from your team members with an automated survey or poll. These polls then go into an analytics dashboard that lets you capture your team’s engagement levels.

Try our pulse survey tool and other tools (like trivia games, icebreaker quizzes, personality tests, escape games, and more!). Sign up for a free account today.

Try Quizbreaker for FREE!

Examples of Employee Evaluation Phrases

Are you struggling to come up with employee evaluation examples? The best way is to develop examples of employee evaluation phrases and then let your managers rate them according to their coherence to that statement.

For example, if you have an employee evaluation phrase like "Can handle difficult situations," and it sounds exactly like your team member, you can give them a five out of five (or the highest score on any scale). You can lower the score based on their performance if it doesn't.

So, what are some examples of employee evaluation phrases? Here are more than 200 employee performance review phrases you can use in your company's next round of employee performance reviews.

Teamwork and Collaboration

Teamwork and Collaboration

  1. Orchestrates effective team interactions and promotes a collective approach to problem-solving.
  2. Demonstrates a proactive stance in assisting team members.
  3. Contributes to elevating the overall competence of the team through open knowledge sharing.
  4. Underscores a selfless dedication to collective goals and accomplishments.
  5. Offers insightful guidance that fosters continuous improvement and skill development.
  6. Nurtures a culture of encouragement, camaraderie, and shared success.
  7. Consistently delivers on promises, contributing to a sense of trust and dependability.
  8. Fosters an environment where openness and honesty prevail.
  9. Employs diplomacy and tact to address and resolve issues.
  10. Recognizes and values the unique strengths and perspectives each team member brings.
  11. Contributes to informed decision-making and collaborative problem-solving.
  12. Demonstrates flexibility and resilience in the face of evolving situations.
  13. Reinforces a culture of appreciation and recognition for collective successes and individual accomplishments.
  14. Creates a supportive environment where colleagues feel understood, valued, and motivated.
  15. Actively promotes diversity and ensures each team member feels welcomed and valued for their unique contributions.

Obligation and Competence

Obligation and Competence

  1. Demonstrates a strong sense of responsibility in meeting deadlines and fulfilling duties.
  2. Takes ownership of tasks and consistently follows through on commitments.
  3. Shows a high level of accountability for individual and team responsibilities.
  4. Proactively identifies and addresses potential issues before they escalate.
  5. Adheres to company policies and procedures with diligence and consistency.
  6. Takes the initiative to assist colleagues during high-pressure situations.
  7. Exhibits a reliable and punctual work ethic, contributing to a dependable team.
  8. Displays a thorough understanding of job-related tasks and requirements.
  9. Continuously seeks opportunities for professional development and skill enhancement.
  10. Applies a high level of expertise to problem-solving and decision-making.
  11. Quickly grasps new concepts and adapts to changing work environments.
  12. Consistently produces high-quality work that meets or exceeds expectations.
  13. Effectively utilizes available resources to optimize work efficiency.
  14. Demonstrates proficiency in handling complex tasks and challenging projects.
  15. Actively contributes to the enhancement of team competence through knowledge sharing.

Attitude and Comportment

Attitude and Comportment

  1. Maintains a positive and optimistic attitude, even in challenging situations.
  2. Demonstrates a proactive approach to tackling tasks with enthusiasm.
  3. Contributes to a constructive and supportive team atmosphere.
  4. Exhibits a willingness to take on new challenges and responsibilities.
  5. Approaches feedback with openness and a commitment to improvement.
  6. Effectively manages stress and pressure, maintaining composure under tight deadlines.
  7. Takes on new tasks with excitement and a willingness to learn.
  8. Displays professionalism in both appearance and conduct in the workplace.
  9. Interacts respectfully with colleagues, fostering a harmonious team environment.
  10. Consistently follows workplace etiquette and demonstrates good manners.
  11. Exhibits strong interpersonal skills, building positive relationships with team members.
  12. Maintains a high level of integrity and ethical behavior in all interactions.
  13. Takes personal responsibility for actions and decisions, owning both successes and challenges.
  14. Demonstrates effective communication skills, both verbal and written.
  15. Acts as a positive representative of the organization, embodying its values and principles.

Efficiency and Quality of Work

Efficiency and Quality of Work

  1. Demonstrates exceptional time management skills, consistently meeting deadlines.
  2. Efficiently organizes tasks and resources to maximize productivity.
  3. Actively seeks ways to streamline processes and improve workflow efficiency.
  4. Adapts well to changes in workload and priorities, maintaining productivity.
  5. Utilizes technology and tools effectively to enhance work efficiency.
  6. Proactively identifies and resolves bottlenecks that hinder efficiency.
  7. Consistently meets or exceeds performance targets and expectations.
  8. Produces work of consistently high quality, paying attention to detail.
  9. Demonstrates a commitment to delivering accurate and error-free results.
  10. Strives for excellence in all tasks, setting a high standard for performance.
  11. Takes a meticulous approach to problem-solving, ensuring thorough solutions.
  12. Actively seeks feedback and implements improvements to enhance work quality.
  13. Exhibits a strong commitment to continuous improvement and learning.
  14. Consistently achieves or surpasses established quality standards.
  15. Takes pride in delivering work that reflects a commitment to excellence.



  1. Maintains excellent punctuality, consistently arriving on time for work.
  2. Demonstrates a reliable attendance record with minimal unplanned absences.
  3. Consistently adheres to the established work schedule without frequent tardiness.
  4. Shows dedication to work responsibilities by rarely taking unscheduled leave.
  5. Takes proactive measures to communicate and address any anticipated absences.
  6. Demonstrates a strong commitment to meeting attendance expectations.
  7. Consistently attends and actively participates in scheduled meetings and training sessions.
  8. Manages personal time off responsibly, coordinating with team members when necessary.
  9. Adheres to company policies regarding attendance and timekeeping.
  10. Maintains a record of regular and consistent attendance throughout the review period.
  11. Takes ownership of attendance-related issues and works proactively to resolve them.
  12. Effectively communicates any challenges or needs related to attendance in a timely manner.
  13. Demonstrates flexibility when required to adjust schedules due to business needs.
  14. Consistently fulfills commitments related to attendance at external events or client meetings.
  15. Proactively plans for and communicates extended absences, ensuring minimal disruption to team workflow.

Creativity and Critical Thinking

Creativity and Critical Thinking

  1. Displays a creative mindset, consistently bringing fresh and original ideas to the team.
  2. Actively contributes to brainstorming sessions, offering imaginative solutions to challenges.
  3. Demonstrates an ability to think outside the box, adding innovative perspectives to projects.
  4. Creatively approaches problem-solving, providing unique and effective solutions.
  5. Incorporates creativity into daily tasks, enhancing the overall quality of work.
  6. Actively seeks opportunities to infuse creativity into processes and deliverables.
  7. Shows a willingness to explore unconventional approaches to achieve goals.
  8. Actively engages in exploring and adopting new technologies and methodologies.
  9. Demonstrates a proactive approach to finding innovative solutions to business problems.
  10. Consistently contributes to the development of new and groundbreaking ideas.
  11. Takes the initiative to implement innovative strategies that enhance team performance.
  12. Actively seeks feedback and collaborates with others to improve and refine innovative concepts.
  13. Demonstrates a forward-thinking mindset, anticipating and embracing industry trends.
  14. Successfully implements creative ideas, contributing to the organization's innovation goals.
  15. Proactively participates in training or workshops to enhance skills related to innovation and creativity.

Willingness to Serve

Willingness to Serve

  1. Demonstrates a service-centric approach, consistently prioritizing customer needs.
  2. Exhibits excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, in customer and team interactions.
  3. Shows empathy and understanding toward other people's concerns.
  4. Consistently meets or exceeds service standards and expectations.
  5. Proactively seeks opportunities to enhance the customer experience.
  6. Handles difficult customers with professionalism and patience.
  7. Effectively resolves customer complaints, turning challenges into opportunities.
  8. Demonstrates a strong knowledge of products/services, providing accurate information to customers.
  9. Actively seeks feedback and uses it to improve service delivery.
  10. Maintains a positive and friendly attitude in all customer interactions.
  11. Consistently meets response time goals in addressing customer inquiries.
  12. Takes ownership of any issues and follows through to ensure resolution.
  13. Actively collaborates with team members to improve overall customer satisfaction.
  14. Strives for continuous improvement in customer service skills and knowledge.
  15. Goes above and beyond to exceed other people's expectations, creating memorable experiences.

Communication Skills

Communication Skills

  1. Demonstrates clear and concise communication in both verbal and written forms.
  2. Effectively conveys complex information in a manner that is easily understood.
  3. Actively listens to colleagues and clients, showing a genuine interest in their perspectives.
  4. Communicates with confidence and clarity, even in high-pressure situations.
  5. Consistently uses appropriate and professional language in all communications.
  6. Articulates ideas and thoughts in a well-organized and structured manner.
  7. Collaborates effectively with team members through open and transparent communication.
  8. Adapts communication style to suit the audience, demonstrating versatility.
  9. Responds promptly to emails and messages, maintaining a high level of responsiveness.
  10. Facilitates productive and efficient meetings through effective communication.
  11. Effectively communicates project updates, timelines, and milestones to stakeholders.
  12. Provides constructive and actionable feedback, fostering a culture of improvement.
  13. Demonstrates strong interpersonal communication skills in building positive relationships.
  14. Uses visual aids and technology effectively to enhance communication.
  15. Actively seeks feedback on communication skills and proactively works on improvement.

Team Spirit

Team Spirit

  1. Actively fosters a collaborative environment, promoting teamwork within the group.
  2. Demonstrates a strong commitment to collective success over individual achievements.
  3. Consistently shares knowledge and resources to enhance team performance.
  4. Works effectively with colleagues from diverse backgrounds, contributing to a harmonious team culture.
  5. Actively participates in team-building activities and initiatives.
  6. Encourages open communication and idea-sharing among team members.
  7. Takes a leadership role in collaborative projects, inspiring team members to excel.
  8. Resolves conflicts within the team with tact and diplomacy, maintaining a positive working atmosphere.
  9. Actively seeks and values the input of all team members in decision-making processes.
  10. Celebrates team successes and acknowledges individual contributions.
  11. Proactively collaborates with other departments to achieve common goals.
  12. Demonstrates adaptability and flexibility in team dynamics and project requirements.
  13. Actively mentors and supports team members to enhance their skills and contributions.
  14. Actively contributes to team meetings, providing valuable insights and suggestions.
  15. Consistently promotes a sense of unity and cohesion within the team, fostering a collaborative spirit.

Time Management

Time Management

  1. Demonstrates excellent time management skills and avoids missed deadlines.
  2. Prioritizes tasks effectively to ensure efficient use of time and resources.
  3. Proactively plans and organizes work schedules to optimize productivity.
  4. Manages competing priorities with skill, ensuring no significant delays in project timelines.
  5. Adapts quickly to changes in deadlines or priorities, minimizing disruptions to workflow.
  6. Consistently completes tasks within established timeframes without compromising quality.
  7. Uses time-tracking tools effectively to monitor and improve personal efficiency.
  8. Demonstrates a sense of urgency in addressing time-sensitive issues.
  9. Efficiently allocates time to balance routine tasks with strategic projects.
  10. Takes initiative to streamline processes, reducing time and resource consumption.
  11. Actively seeks opportunities to improve personal and team time management skills.
  12. Sets realistic and achievable goals, breaking down larger tasks into manageable steps.
  13. Maintains focus and minimizes distractions to enhance overall time management.
  14. Communicates effectively regarding time constraints and potential challenges.
  15. Shows a consistent ability to deliver results on time, even in high-pressure situations.

Customer Experience

Customer Experience

  1. Consistently provides exceptional service that enhances the overall customer experience.
  2. Demonstrates a deep understanding of customer needs and tailors interactions accordingly.
  3. Actively seeks opportunities to go above and beyond to exceed customer expectations.
  4. Maintains a positive and friendly demeanor, contributing to a welcoming customer environment.
  5. Effectively handles challenging customer situations with empathy and professionalism.
  6. Actively engages in customer feedback processes, using insights for continuous improvement.
  7. Demonstrates a commitment to resolving customer issues promptly and satisfactorily.
  8. Possesses strong product knowledge, ensuring accurate and helpful customer assistance.
  9. Actively contributes to a customer-centric culture within the organization.
  10. Proactively identifies and addresses potential obstacles to a positive customer experience.
  11. Collaborates with cross-functional teams to enhance overall customer satisfaction.
  12. Takes ownership of customer inquiries or concerns, seeing them through to resolution.
  13. Actively seeks opportunities for additional sales or upselling while enhancing the customer experience.
  14. Consistently meets or exceeds customer service metrics and KPIs.
  15. Demonstrates a commitment to continuous learning and improvement in delivering exceptional customer experiences.



  1. Actively seeks opportunities to innovate and improve existing processes.
  2. Demonstrates a forward-thinking mindset, contributing to the organization's strategic goals.
  3. Successfully implements new ideas, contributing to the company's growth and development.
  4. Proactively explores and adopts emerging technologies to enhance work efficiency.
  5. Takes the initiative to suggest and implement innovative solutions to business challenges.
  6. Actively participates in company-wide innovation initiatives and projects.
  7. Contributes to a culture of innovation by encouraging creative thinking among team members.
  8. Takes calculated risks in pursuit of innovative solutions and improvements.
  9. Collaborates with cross-functional teams to drive innovation across departments.
  10. Demonstrates a strong willingness to learn and apply new concepts and methodologies.
  11. Consistently brings fresh and original ideas to team discussions and projects.
  12. Demonstrates the ability to think outside the box, providing unique perspectives.
  13. Creatively solves problems, finding effective solutions that may not be immediately apparent.
  14. Actively engages in brainstorming sessions, fostering a culture of creativity.
  15. Integrates creativity into daily tasks, enhancing the overall quality and impact of work.



  1. Demonstrates flexibility in handling changing priorities and evolving work situations.
  2. Adapts positively to new technologies, processes, and methodologies.
  3. Thrives in dynamic environments, adjusting seamlessly to unexpected challenges.
  4. Quickly assimilates new information and applies it effectively in the work context.
  5. Navigate through ambiguity with confidence, making well-informed decisions.
  6. Successfully manages workload fluctuations without compromising quality.
  7. Proactively embraces change, contributing to a culture of continuous improvement.
  8. Adjusts communication style to suit different audiences and situations.
  9. Takes on new responsibilities with enthusiasm and a can-do attitude.
  10. Actively seeks opportunities for learning and growth in unfamiliar areas.
  11. Demonstrates resilience in the face of setbacks, quickly recovering and moving forward.
  12. Collaborates effectively with diverse teams, adapting to various working styles.
  13. Maintains a positive and adaptable mindset during times of organizational change.
  14. Exhibits a willingness to explore new ideas and approaches outside of comfort zones.
  15. Seeks feedback on adaptability and actively works on areas for improvement.



  1. Demonstrates strong leadership qualities by setting a positive example for the team.
  2. Effectively communicates a clear vision and goals, aligning team members toward common objectives.
  3. Takes ownership of team successes and failures, displaying accountability and responsibility.
  4. Inspires and motivates team members through effective communication and encouragement.
  5. Exhibits decisiveness in making tough decisions for the benefit of the team and organization.
  6. Fosters a collaborative and inclusive team culture, promoting open communication.
  7. Successfully delegates tasks based on team members' strengths and development needs.
  8. Provides constructive feedback to team members, fostering their professional growth.
  9. Acts as a mentor and coach, supporting the development of team members' skills and capabilities.
  10. Handles conflicts within the team with diplomacy and effective resolution strategies.
  11. Encourages innovation and creativity, allowing team members to contribute ideas.
  12. Demonstrates adaptability in leadership style to suit different situations and team dynamics.
  13. Strategically plans and organizes team resources to optimize efficiency and productivity.
  14. Leads by example, maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude, even during challenges.
  15. Proactively identifies and addresses potential issues, preventing obstacles to team success.

Work Ethic

Work Ethic

  1. Consistently demonstrates a strong commitment to achieving high-quality results.
  2. Exhibits exceptional dedication and diligence in meeting and exceeding goals.
  3. Takes a proactive approach to responsibilities, consistently going above and beyond expectations.
  4. Maintains a strong work ethic even in challenging or high-pressure situations.
  5. Demonstrates reliability by consistently meeting deadlines and completing tasks on time.
  6. Shows a persistent and determined attitude in overcoming obstacles and challenges.
  7. Takes initiative in identifying and tackling additional responsibilities to contribute to team success.
  8. Consistently adheres to company policies and procedures with a high level of integrity.
  9. Exhibits a strong sense of accountability for personal and team-related tasks.
  10. Displays a consistent and dependable work schedule, rarely taking unplanned absences.
  11. Takes ownership of mistakes and actively seeks opportunities for improvement.
  12. Demonstrates a willingness to put in extra effort to achieve exceptional results.
  13. Shows resilience in the face of setbacks, maintaining a positive and solution-oriented mindset.
  14. Consistently maintains a high standard of professionalism in all work-related activities.
  15. Proactively seeks ways to enhance personal and team productivity, demonstrating a strong work ethic.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the purpose of a performance review?

Just like how one should have regular checkups to maintain a healthy body or how a car should undergo routine maintenance to maximize its performance, a performance review is crucial for an employee's growth and contributes to the company's overall well-being.

A performance review aims to provide employees with constructive employee feedback on their performance, set goals for future development, and facilitate open communication between employees and managers. It is an opportunity to discuss professional growth, address concerns, and acknowledge achievements.

Performance reviews serve practical purposes, including determining compensation, documenting performance, assessing promotion readiness, and ensuring legal compliance.

What should I write in a performance review example?

Most performance reviews exist in written format. What should a written performance review example look like? Here are some guidelines to follow:

  • Start with a positive introduction. You can do that by first highlighting the employee's achievements.
  • Discuss specific strengths, such as work ethic, collaboration, and creativity, with examples.
  • Address areas for improvement. When doing this, provide constructive feedback that will help them improve their work performance. Don't be vague with your feedback. Choose to be concrete and give actionable points.
  • Set clear and achievable goals for the next review period. This way, you encourage professional development. A performance review should push your employees to improve, not to point out their mistakes.
  • Conclude with positive reinforcement and confidence in the employee's ability to contribute positively to the team. Maintain a constructive and encouraging tone throughout the review.

How do you write a performance review statement?

Start off on a positive note by talking about the good stuff, like what the person has done well and where they shine. Use specific examples to show how their work has helped the team. When you get into areas for improvement, don't make it sound like they messed up; instead, say it's a chance to get even better. Keep things friendly and supportive throughout the review.

For ideas on giving constructive feedback, check out this list of 22 employee feedback examples that we believe will help managers give positive reviews to their teams.

What are positive things to say in a performance review?

Acknowledging the employee's strong work ethic, achievements, and teamwork is ideal. Highlight their proactive approach, creative thinking, and leadership qualities. Recognize their adaptability, customer focus, and effective communication. Point out their problem-solving skills, time management, and professional behavior. Use specific examples to illustrate their strengths.

How do you write an excellent performance review?

A great performance review is a two-way talk between the leader and the employee. It's about sharing data and goals and hearing out concerns and feedback. Leaders are more than just scorekeepers; they're motivators and communicators. Approach the review as a chance for both to grow, not a judgment. Start and end on a positive note to empower your employees with constructive feedback.

What are good overall comments for a performance review?

The overall comments weigh the positive reviews and areas for improvement. State whether the employee has met or exceeded expectations in all areas of their job responsibilities. You can also consider how much the employee has improved overall and whether or not they have shown consistency and willingness to grow.

Encouraging language can motivate employees to view improvement opportunities as chances for professional growth. Additionally, setting clear and achievable goals for the future and expressing confidence in the employee's potential contribute to a comprehensive and constructive performance review.

Final Words

When doing a performance review, keep it clear and professional – talk about behaviors, not personalities. Let it be a two-way street, encourage your team to chime in and clarify stuff. These reviews are chances for everyone to grow, linking personal efforts with team goals. It's like a chat that helps everyone get on the same page and move forward together.

Patrick Mabilog

Article by

Patrick Mabilog

Patrick Mabilog is the Business Development Manager at QuizBreaker and a lover of all things team-building-related. Before working in Quizbreaker, he served as Human Resource Manager for various virtual teams. He also runs team building programs and retreats for companies when he's not working on growing Quizbreaker.

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